Tommy E @ malaysia
Saturday, November 10, 2007

Yeap. This is your chance of a lifetime :D well, maybe not a lifetime but ive checked his schedule and he wont be coming anywhere near to Malaysia for the next 3 years at least. His destination is Singapore but due to popular demand he will be flying here for a couple of hours of performance before flying off again.
Tommy E. Famous for his extreme improvisation of popular hits like Classical Gas, Beatles classics, Over the rainbow, and many many more .. The most impressive thing is he actually doesnt know how to read sheet music! During session recordings, he will listen to the recording ONCE, pretend that hes reading notes, and then play by ear. Now how impressive is that. Apart from all those, most importantly, hes one of by biggest guitar idols.
Here's a clip of him during one of his many sold out performances:
Yeah the tickets are abit pricey for a student like me but ... since its a once in a lifetime thingy i will tryyyyy my best to go :D Piggyyy bankkk where are youuuuu~~
btw it'll be nice if someone accompanies me to the show. Any takers? :P
commented by
A N M Ekramuddin, April 11, 2012 at 4:16:00 PM GMT+8

very beautiful