Penang trip part 1
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Wohoo. Just came back from penang. wow it was a blast.
Last friday my mum, sis and i went to Penang. Theres only one bus company that goes all the way to Penang, so hell , we bought 3 S.E. Travel bus tickets.
about 2 hours before the scheduled 3pm departure of the bus, i realized i dont have the camera with me. omfg i suddenly remembered that i left the camera with Anne . Hence a tense, hollywood-style race with time begun. i Had to battle killer klang traffic jams to go to her house and then come all teh way back to board the bus. all in 1 hour. super hardo
I reached her house around 2.30. we're supposed to be at the station by 2.45. cool rite. so my dad's driving, speeding, jam avoiding, and cursing skills were put to the test and thank god we reached the station around 2.45.
Guess what? tiunyama SE Travel bus came 1 hour late. they made me rush like some roadrunner and then delayed the departure by 1 hour.
got on the bus .. the bus driver was really good. he drove slow and obeyed teh pantun melayu "Biarkan lambat asalkan selamat". In fact, he took it so seriously that he took 4 hours to reach ipoh. -.-"
then he swapped places with the co driver. that muthafucka was a chain smoker. he smoked and smoked and smoked like a chimney in an FULLY ENCLOSED AIR CONDITIONED BUS. walew i felt like shoving the whole box of ciggaretes into his nose and light them all at once. the poor grandma in front of me was coughing like heck.
finally, after nearly 7 hours of gruelling bus ride, we reached penang.
Penang bride, 11pm
My mum's cousin sis picked us up from the bus station, and we went to her place where we'll be staying for 2 days. She got us a sumptious supper meal with all the trademark penang hawker food. Woot . Satay, Ikan Bakar, Oh Jien, lobak and even pizza. Needless to say i singlehandedly finished most of the food =)
Slept at 2 am, after spending time chit chatting with cute cousin, Jane.
Up next:
Joe spends first day in Penang
commented by
A N M Ekramuddin, April 11, 2012 at 4:12:00 PM GMT+8
